In the era of digitizing society, and connecting across the Internet to various devices, large amounts of data are stored
that are stored in different bases. These data, by structure, can be structured and unstructured. Structured
data are highly organized, operational for analysis and mostly integrated into databases.
One important source of information for us is the IoT devices, which can be a source of both types of data.On
the other hand, unstructured data are unorganized, the so-called 'raw', require a lot of time to analyze
meaning or to find a sense (books, post, medical records, videos ...). However, both data and data together form
a heterogeneous whole as a data reservoir.
By analyzing these heterogeneous data obtained from various sources, along with publicly available data, it
is possible to create a range of new products and services that are personalized for each user and in every way
adapted to his needs.
Taking into consideration the proven results in solving the continual acquisition, processing and evaluation of data for
gas emission analytics based on my software development and VPS IaaS Cloud solution (ANVISE™ - EPEMS210™ system),
I came to the idea of a universal approach to solving the problem of acquisition, processing and analysis of
data in real time, on any surface and anywhere in the world, via Cloud access, ie, a global information model
and GPS/GSM/NB IoT technology. In fact, it is about using my second solution, already proven in GPS / GSM fleet
monitoring of parameters of mobile assets, in the wider information solution ANVISX™- IoT integration platform.
• Agriculture
• Oil / Gas / Process Industries
• Power Engineering
• Smart Cities
• Transportation / Logistic
• Water / Wastewater
The goal is to process data, analyze them and offer them through the web services to interested users. The discovery
of Big Data data that would be carried out through the methods of new technologies of machine learning (ML) and
artificial intelligence (AI) would enable quality decision-making to a well- defined field of application. Web
services would be merged with data derived from collaborative or publicly available services and databases.
The goal is therefore to design / generate / IT services for farmers, farms, advisory services, various companies
and all those who make decisions. This is not about creating an integrated system for agricultural monitoring,
or some other area of human life, it is about creating a ’decentralized integrated system’, the backbone of which
is made up of web services and microservices, through which the ultimate information is formed - Big Service
and service as required by the user :
1. Analytic&Predictive Services : based on important information from the ANVISX database
2. Logistic&PROXY Services : services based on information from the ANVISX database, other available IT
services, and for the third interested parties
The final idea is to make integrated soluton from measurment of data values (pollutants, physical values temperature,
wind level, air pressure...) to data analytics, communication systems and added value services including installation,
commisioning,training, maintanance, engineering and data management.
The fact is that in both life and ITC we can make a difference in the significance of the speed of data collection
as well as the quantity of measuring positions at the same time.
In line with the above, regarding the difference between IoT and the industrial IoT concept, the method and
the place of data collection and analysis are also reflected.
Simply put, for the industrial use of IoT, we need to have a quick response, ie on-site analysis, near the measuring
point, while for slowly changing data values, where the latency of the network is not crucial in any decision,
we can do the POST FESTUM analysis on ANVISX Cloud, and here NB IoT technology is the real thing.
Very simple classes division. We have only two : MOBILE and STATIONARY assets
In accordance with the analysis described above for the need of Action Centric IoT ecosystems, in this area
the possibilities of utilization are truly impressive. Because based on the right set of data it is possible
to make the right decision on the basis of big data analytics, the action that will be realized and thus lead
to savings in the holding of the asset. Thus, the IIoT system for preventive maintenance of a machine that is
based on the predictions of the condition of the machine ie, the physical and technical means uses the collected
data from the specific sensors to determine which part of the machine is required to recalibrate, and automatically
switch off the equipment at the optimum moment to start the routine for recalibration. Therefore, it is not enough
to find cause-and-effect connections based on POST festum data analysis. The search for these connections will
have to be done by modern methods of predictive analytics, and in the architectural concept it corresponds to
the Network Industrial IoT Cloud FOG concept (CISCO) in combination with the 'classic' Cloud IoT concept.
As I said ANVISX Data Logger is also a device that can analyze data on the spot and forms an immediate response
to the executable devices, not waiting for an answer from the main server, i.e., the Cloud Data Center (which
can often be delayed if the network is burdened or interrupted , which is not good for industrial IoT), and at
the same time send all these changes to the field and, of course, to HOST, ie, ANVISX Cloud Data Center. With
this capability we are approaching the network IIoT Cloud concept. Here is dominant CISCO FOG concept and MS Azure EDGE
• ADJUSTING M2M to the Internet of Things Ecosystem
ANVISX™ tailors existing M2M, remote monitoring & service technologies to the new IoT world based on open standards, cloud application deployments, big data storage and processing facilites, rich HTML5 based browser Uis etc.
I strongly beleive that there is no sensor intelligence without Industrial IoT network. We can speaking only
of local part of analytical intelligence, but realy (artificial) intelligence lie on the Big Data analytics and
machine learning (ML).
So, IIoT Network Sensors is SENSOR INTELLIGENCE !
While the generic and open-ended nature of ANVISX™ is often an advantage, sometimes you need a solution tailored for a specific
vertical market. For such cases, we offer different products based on the ANVISX™ IoT Platform. ANVISX™ tailors
existing M2M device data, remote service technologies to the new IoT world based on open standars, cloud application
deployments, big data storage and processing facilites , and other trends.
• Industrial Analytics & Automation: Client/Server & Cloud VPS solution - ANVISE™
• GPS Fleet Management - Vehicle & stationary Assets Telemetry
: ANVISgps™ , ANVISassets™
• Automatic Meter Reading : Proxy SERVER for AMR - ANVISamr™
• Remote Monitoring : 3G Telemetry Station with PLC for Highway - ANVIStarmu™
• Sensor Networks : ANVISorganic™
• Intelligent Electronic Devices ready for IIoT EDGE concept
Aranj Janoša 2, 21000 Novi Sad
Dragan Marinković,
Software Architect
Licenced Eng. in Automation & Metering & Control
Member of the Regional Board of Serbian Chamber of Engineers, Section for project designers Regional Board of Novi Sad
Chamber of Engineers personal pages
Integrisani sistem satelitskog praćenja je sredstvo koje koristi blagodeti moderne tehnologije da bi korisnicima omogucilo
punu kontrolu nad svojom pokretnom imovinom. Sistem se sastoji od 24 GPS satelita, GPS-GPRS terminala koji se
nalazi u praćenom vozilu, mreže mobilne telefonije, internet mreže, servera i korisničke softverske aplikacije.
Mogućnosti: Pored celukupne istorije kretanja vozila sa zabeleženim brzinama, dužinom kretanja i stajanja, sistem
pruža niz dodatnih mogućnosti, a po posebnim željama i potrebama korisnika. Neke od njih su:
• Praćenje nivoa goriva
• Praćenje parametara rada motora
• Praćenje senzora za temperaturu
• Alarmi koji javljaju povredu zadate rute
• Prekoračenje brzine
Svi vlasnici putnickih ili teretnih motornih vozila, radnih ili poljoprivrednjih masina, brodova, vozova ili letelica ukoliko sami ne upravljaju sredstvom ili se ne nalaze u njemu za vreme koriscenja su potencijalni korisnici naseg sistema. Svaki put kada svoje vozilo ili radnu masinu date nekome na koriscenje javlja se mogucnost brojnih zloupotreba. Koriscenjem satelitskog pracenja gotovo u potpunosti eliminisete nedomacinsko upravljanje svojom imovinom. Sto brojniji vozni park imate, to je potreba za satelitskim pracenjem veca.
Satelitsko praćenje D.O.O.
Aranj Janoša 2, 21000 Novi Sad
063/492-599 i 065/3191-383